We invite you to a mini-workshop for teachers who have students in their classes for whom Polish is not their native / first language. 

During the classes, participants will learn what working with the “Diary-Dictionary”, an original tool developed by the Polish Forum Foundation Migration. During the workshop, the objectives of using the “Diary-glossary” will be discussed and inspirations on how to involve students and their parents in its guidance. We will also talk about which students may need special support in learning Polish and how to provide them with such support.

Participants who report a request for “Diaries-glossaries” will receive them in a parcel locker 🙂 They can also be downloaded online HERE and see other educational publications of the Foundation. 

Workshop date: 30.11.202, at. 15.30-16.30

Workshop leader: Zuzanna Rejmer

Registration: via the form on this website —

The workshop is part of the project “Languages ​​- the key to knowing the world! Strengthening linguistic, social and cognitive competences of students of Warsaw schools” co-financed by the Capital City of Warsaw Warsaw.