Policy for the Protection of Beneficiaries and Foundation Personnel

Policy for the Protection of Beneficiaries and Foundation Personnel of the Polish Migration Forum Foundation based in Izabelin 



1. Glossary 

2. Preamble 

3. Behaviors expected from the Foundation’s Staff 

4. Behaviors unacceptable on the part of the Foundation’s Staff 


1. Glossary 

Whenever this document refers to: 

1) Child – it should be understood as any natural person under the age of 18. 

2) Foundation – it should be understood as the Polish Migration Forum Foundation with its registered office in Izabelin (05-080) at 44A Orła Białego st., entered into the Register of Associations in the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0000272075, nip: 1181879509, REGON: 14085197900000. 

3) Foundation Staff – all people working or cooperating with the Foundation, including volunteers, trainees and apprentices, psychologists, therapists and other people working and cooperating with the Foundation, regardless of the type of legal relationship they have with the Foundation. 

4) Beneficiary – it should be understood as any natural person who receives assistance from the Foundation.

5) Harm – it should be understood as non-pecuniary damage affecting the mental sphere of the victim, including physical violence, i.e. any deliberate, intentional actions against a person causing pain or injury to the body, including but not limited to beating, tugging, pushing, throwing objects, etc., and psychological, including humiliating and degrading treatment, especially insulting name-calling, excessive criticism, belittling, persistent shaming, solitary confinement, and isolation. 

6) Threat to the child’s welfare – it should be understood as actions and omissions taken by parents, legal guardians, or other people under whose care the child remains, including negligence towards the child, such as in particular: neglect of hygiene, health, child nutrition, failure to adjust the child’s clothing to weather conditions, lack of proper supervision over the child’s fulfillment of school obligations, negative attitude of the child against the other parent or their family. 


2. Preamble 

Each of the members of the Foundation’s Staff is obliged to respect fundamental human rights, social justice, and human dignity. A person who is part of the Foundation’s Staff is obliged to show respect to all people equally. Any form of discrimination is prohibited. Regardless of age, gender, disability, skin color, any other distinguishing features or ethnic origin, nationality, religion or lack thereof, sexual orientation or gender identity, everyone shall be treated equally, in a partnership, and without prejudice. People included in the Foundation’s Staff are obliged to comply with the principles of social coexistence and to comply with the provisions contained in the Policy on the Protection of the Rights of the Child and the Anti-Mobbing Procedure and other documents adopted by the Foundation.


3. Behaviors expected from the Foundation’s Staff 

§ 1 

Treating all Foundation Beneficiaries fairly, with respect and dignity, with respect for the difficult experiences they have encountered, understanding that they can show fear, anger, indifference, and express other difficult emotions resulting from their experiences. 

§ 2 

Equal treatment of the Foundation’s Beneficiaries regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, fitness, health, country of origin, social, ethnic, cultural, religious, and worldview. 

§ 3 

Attentive listening In the case of children, the answers should be appropriate to their age and situation. 

§ 4 

Assuring Beneficiaries that if they feel uncomfortable with a situation, behavior, or words, they can tell the designated person and can expect appropriate response or help. 

§ 5 

Taking care of the rights of Beneficiaries, protecting them, as well as acting in a way that ensures that their best interests are paramount, with particular emphasis on Children. 

§ 6 

Opposing and combating all forms of: 

  • 1. abuse of the Foundation’s Beneficiaries;
  • 2. harming Children;
  • 3. threats to the welfare of the Child;
  • 4. crimes committed to the detriment of the Foundation’s Beneficiaries.

§ 7 

Preventing any abuse against the Foundation’s Beneficiaries.

§ 8 

Respecting the right of the Foundation’s Beneficiaries to privacy, subject to § 15 of this Policy for the protection of the Foundation’s Beneficiaries and Personnel. 

§ 9 

Avoiding unnecessary risks. When working with Beneficiaries, make sure that the equipment and fittings are used as intended and that the environment is safe (pay attention to the safety features of windows and stairs, limited access to busy roads, open water, etc.). 

§ 10 

Taking care to be in sight or hearing of other people included in the Foundation’s Staff when activities with the Children are carried out. In exceptional and justified situations, if it is necessary to be alone with the Child, always inform the other people included in the Foundation Staff about it and inform about where you will be with the Child. 

§ 11 

Completion of training in accordance with the requirements of the Foundation. 

§ 12 

Immediately notify the Foundation of any charge or accusation of an offense committed before or during employment. 

§ 13 

Notification to the Police or the Social Welfare Center in the event of reasonable suspicion of the Child being harmed, including the use of violence against the Child by a parent, legal guardian, or any other person. 

§ 14 

Notification of the Child Violence Prevention Officer (dzieci@forummigracyjne.org) in the event of reasonable suspicion of harm to the Child, including the use of violence against the Child by a parent, legal guardian or any other person.

§ 15 

Submission of a notification to the Police in the event of becoming aware of a crime committed to the detriment of a Beneficiary of the Foundation. 

§ 16 

Notifying the Social Welfare Center in the event of a Child’s welfare being threatened, when parents or legal guardians refuse to participate in meetings, or do not comply with the rules adopted jointly with the Foundation. 

§ 17 

Contribute to building a harmonious workplace based on team spirit, mutual respect, and understanding. 

§ 18 

Showing respect to all members of the Foundation’s Staff, regardless of their status or position. 


4. Behaviors that are unacceptable on the part of the Foundation’s Staff 

§ 1 

Engaging in sexual activity with Children. This also includes sexual comments, jokes, gestures and making erotic and pornographic content available to Children, regardless of their form. A wrong belief about the age of the Child is not a basis for defense. 

§ 2 

To solicit and engage in commercial exchanges of sexual services. 

§ 3 

Engaging in any relationship, emotional, sexual, financial or employment-related, that is based on exploiting the weaker position of the Foundation’s Beneficiaries.

§ 4 

Any involvement in criminal or unethical activities, human rights violations, or activities that jeopardize the Foundation’s image. 

§ 5 

Engaging in any activities aimed at commercial exploitation of the Foundation’s Beneficiaries, including their work, or aimed at human trafficking. 

§ 6 

Use of any form of harassment, discrimination, physical or verbal violence, intimidation, or favouritism of the Foundation’s Beneficiaries or members of the Foundation’s Staff. 

§ 7 

Using relationships based on power inequality for personal gain. 

§ 8 

Requesting any services or gifts from the Foundation’s Beneficiaries for the assistance provided. 

§ 9 

Recording the image of the Child (filming, voice recording, photography) without the consent of the parent or legal guardian. This also applies to enabling third parties to capture images of the Children. 

§ 10 

Undertaking physical contact with the Child other than necessary. Necessary physical contact includes helping the Child to dress and undress, eat, wash, change, use the toilet. It must be ensured that each of these activities is assisted by another person from the Foundation.

§ 11 

Inviting Children to private apartments or homes or meeting them outside of working hours. This also includes contacts with Children through private communication channels (private phone, e-mail, instant messaging, social media profiles) and sharing your personal data. 

§ 12 

Taking any action leading to a violation of the physical or mental integrity of the Beneficiary of the Foundation, including in particular: shouting, embarrassing, humiliating, disrespecting and insulting, beating, poking, pushing, etc. 

§ 13 

Proposing alcohol, tobacco products, or psychoactive substances to Children or adult Beneficiaries of the Foundation. Being in the presence of Children or Beneficiaries of the Foundation under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances. 

§ 14 

Making promises to Beneficiaries that the Foundation is unable to keep. 

§ 15 

Ignoring any suspicion of causing harm to the Foundation’s Beneficiary or ignoring information about committing a crime for the Foundation’s Beneficiary. 

§ 16 

Advertising commercial services, including advertising services provided directly by a person included in the Foundation’s Staff.