/Workshop in Ukrainian/

During the classes we will develop skills such as: coping with stress, loss, gaining knowledge about mental disorders and illnesses. 

The workshops will take place every Tuesday from 17:30 to 20:30  at BAZA by Inclusive.Buzz (Marszałkowska 28, Warsaw). 

Classes are free, registration is required: zapisy@forummigracyjne.org, tel: 692-913-993


Meeting 1 (17/10/23): Emotions

How do we experience emotions: in the body, in the mind, in relationships with other people? So many emotions accompany us every day, and we often lack the tools to express them. We will learn how to recognise emotions, communicate and regulate them consciously.

Meeting 2 (24/10/23): How to deal with stress?

Stress is an integral part of human and animal life. Sometimes it motivates us to act, but there are also times when we find it difficult to manage. In this workshop we will learn about different ways of dealing with stress.

Meeting 3 (31/10/23): Conflicts  

As many relationships in life, there are as many chances for conflicts. They are inevitable, so it makes sense to make friends with them. Just how? At the meeting we will talk about the causes of disagreements. We will consider how we can react in conflict situations so that we can deal with them better in the future. 

Meeting 4 (7/11/23): Assertiveness

How to be assertive? Is it a useful skill? Assertiveness can improve our relationships in different environments: work, friends, family. It is always useful to develop the ability to have an assertive dialogue. In this workshop, we will learn how to cultivate a healthy way of saying “yes” and “no”. 

Meeting 5 (14/11/23): Motivation

What to do if you don’t feel like doing anything? When does our motivation increase and when does it decrease? Does it come from within, or does it depend on other factors? How important is it for us? In this workshop we will share our experience and explore different perspectives of what motivates each of us.

Meeting 6 (21/11/23): Needs

There is no creature that does not have needs; a flower, a dog, a cat or a grasshopper, each has its own needs. What about us? What needs do we have and are they universal? Do they change depending on what we are like at any given moment in our lives? In this workshop, we will explore the diversity of each person’s needs individually, appreciating the similarities we have in common.  

Meeting 7 (28/11/23): Communication

In this workshop on communication, we will practice the skills of relating in many different ways. We will work on improving communication with loved ones. Both shy and more adventurous people are welcome – communication, regardless of the language we speak, can be complicated, so we believe it is always worth practising!

Meeting 8 (5/12/23) Mindfulness   

In this workshop we will conjure up the concept of mindfulness. We will address what surrounds us and the feelings that it evokes in us. We will learn to be mindful of the space around us and what happens “here and now”. 

Meeting 9 (12/12/23): Facts and evaluations 

Nothing human is alien to me! Hundreds of opinions go through our heads every day. Without them we would not be human. In this workshop we will learn how to distinguish facts from opinions: when do we give facts and when do we make judgements? We will learn tools to help us both communicate and receive opinions respectfully.

Meeting 10 (19/12/23): Support 

This term is like a huge lake full of colourful fish. Every human gesture, word, look can be supportive. But what is supportive to you? What supports you in difficult times? How do you fish out of the lake the support that is right for you and use it without fear? In the workshop, we will look at how we act in crisis moments in life and how our needs then change. The need for support may be one of them. 

Meeting 11 (2/01/24): Mental health prevention

What are healthy habits? How do we develop them? In this workshop we will look at how to live in harmony with ourselves, observe and detect signs of crisis early. We will consider what serves us in nurturing our emotional health.

Meeting 12 (9/01/24): A sense of belonging

Building and maintaining relationships, accepting oneself in the context of a group  

– these are universal needs for all people. Why do we increasingly lack the natural conditions for creating close friendships? Together we will look at what a sense of belonging is and how it enhances our sense of being “here and now”.

Meeting 13 (16/01/24): Fear 

What makes us afraid? What are the people around us afraid of? Perhaps our fears are similar? In this workshop we will focus on naming fear, taming this feeling and combating the unfavourable fear-related reactions in our bodies. The best way to deal with fear is to talk about it. 

Meeting 14 (23/01/24): Comfort zones 

A contemporary concept, and one that everyone has been familiar with in practice since they were young. Comfort is a relative concept, as it is understood differently by everyone. Comfort can change according to the person, the situation, the time or the space in which we find ourselves. It is worth taking care of one’s comfort, but it is also worth going beyond what is already familiar in order to take care of personal growth or relationship development. 

Meeting 15 (30/01/24): Planning

The role of planning in reducing chaos and using resources effectively, discussing the principle of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals.