The school is a place for all children – including those speaking in other languages, coming from foreign cultures, returning from migration, coming to Poland for various reasons and with different baggage of experience. The school is also the best environment for supporting the integration of foreigners into Polish society. But how can a teacher and an educator meet these challenges – especially in the current crisis related to remote education?
An interactive online workshop will focus on the issue of supporting students who speak more than one language and for whom Polish is not a mother tongue.
We will talk about opportunities and challenges that multiliguality creates. Participants will be invited to discuss how to use this potential in the education process of individual students, as well as in working with the entire class. Methods for identifying children who may need special support and attention of the educator will also be discussed, and ideas how to provide such support.
Teachers participating in the online workshop will also learn about the tool developed by PFM, that aims to support children that learn Polish as foreign language: ‘Diary – glossary’.
The date of the online workshop: 23.04.2020, 17.30-19.30
The workshop is part of an e-learning course for teachers, which includes:
- webinar (1h)
- workshop (2h)
- own work based on the materials submitted. Teachers will practice and create their own mini tools based on the WISE education model discussed during the webinar. The resulting tools will be collected in so-called The bank has tools and made available, with the consent of the authors, to all participants of this training cycle. (5h)
Participants of the e-learning course (or one of its parts) will receive by e-mail certificates confirming participation in a specific course part. If you are interested in participating in the workshop and webinar, please register separately for each event.
To participate in the workshop, please register via the form on this website. We will send links to the meeting on the day of the event to the email addresses provided in form. We will use the Zoom platform.
The online workshop is part of the “MAX – Maximising Migrants’ Contribution to Society” project (AMIF-2017-AG-INTE821672) co-financed by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. It is also a part of Diversity Dialogue Forum, which will be organised in Warsaw, in Autumn 2020.