You will find 72 publications in 11 languages below.

  • English

Poland for beginners and advanced. How to connect cultures and generations through shared activities?


The publication you are reading collects the experience of the Polish Migration Forum Foundation and the Association of Creative Initiatives „ę” from the joint project „Poland for beginners and advanced”.

  • Vietnamese

Original title: Vác-sa-va. Sách hướng dẫn dành cho người nước ngoàiTranslated title: Warsaw. Information booklet for foreigners in Vietnamese


  • Arabic

Original title: أنواع التأمين في بولنداTranslated title: Types of insurance in Poland/Arabic


  • Vietnamese

Original title: CÁC LOẠI BẢO HIỂM Ở BA LANTranslated title: Types of insurance in Poland/Vietnamese


  • Arabic

Original title: الاعتراف بالشهادات الدراسية الأجنبية في بولنداTranslated title: Recognition of diplomas in Poland/Arabic


  • Arabic

Original title: العمل وتأسيس وإدارة الشركات بعد إتمام الدراسة في بولنداTranslated title: Foreigners working and running a business after finishing education in Poland/Arabic


  • Vietnamese

Original title: Thông tin dành cho người nước ngoài muốn lao động hoặc hoạt động kinh doanh sau khi tốt nghiệp trường học ở Ba LanTranslated title: Foreigners working and running a business after finishing education in Poland/Vietnamese
