You will find 72 publications in 11 languages below.

  • English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian

Original title: Czy jest jakieś wyjście? Przemoc w szkole, w domu. Co mogę zrobić?Translated title: Is there a way out? Violence at school, at home. What can I do?


  • Polish

Recipe for Good Communication at the Table – Christmas recipe e-book


  • English, Russian, Ukrainian

Original title: Jestem mamą w Polsce/Я-мама в Польщe/I am a mom in Poland/Я-мама в ПольщіTranslated title: I am a mother in Poland – Information booklet for migrant expectant mothers in Poland – in Ukrainian, Russian and English


  • Russian, Ukrainian

Resources and goals cards

15.09.2023 Marta Piegat-Kaczmarczyk

Therapeutic work with children and teenagers requires a lot of creativity and flexibility. Every now and then we create something new together, swap old versions for new ones, add or improve something, so that everything suits the needs of a particular child. This is also how these cards were created.

  • Polish

Original title: Dzienniczek – Słowniczek / DIARY – DICTIONARY / ЩОДЕННИК-СЛОВНИЧОК / ДНЕВНИЧОК-СЛОВАРЬTranslated title: DIARY – DICTIONARY ​​Inspirations, Guide for teachers, Guide for parents and guardians
