You will find 183 publications in 10 languages below.

okładka raportu EN
  • Polish

Everyone around is suffering

18.06.2024 Agnieszka Carrasco-Żylicz, Magdalena Fuchs, Artem Graban, Joanna Hajduk, Katarzyna Janczewska-Arčon, Kamil Kamiński, Agnieszka Klimaszewska, Agnieszka Kosowicz, Aleksandra Kuśnierkiewicz, Marta Piegat-Kaczmarczyk, Aleksandra Pulchny, Kornelia Trubiłowicz, Zofia Żmijewska

In an evocatively titled report, the Polish Migration Forum Foundation, supported by Save the Children Poland, has unveiled a pioneering study exposing the dire lack of psychological support for individuals in Poland s guarded centres for foreigners (SOC). It is the first in Poland to summarize the experiences of a non-governmental organization in providing psychological […]

  • Ukrainian

Original title: Модель міжкультурної освіти WISE та зразки планів шкільних занятьTranslated title: Model of intercultural education WISE and sample lesson plans_UKR


  • Russian

Original title: Модель межкультурного образования – WISE и примеры сценариев учебных занятийTranslated title: Model of intercultural education WISE and sample lesson plans_RU


  • English

Original title: Model of intercultural education WISE and sample lesson plansTranslated title: Model of intercultural education WISE and sample lesson plans


We invite you to use the second edition of the PFM publication describing the WISE model – our proposed method for working with children in a culturally diverse group. “WISE” in English means smart. However, this acronym was created from the Polish words: W – współzależność (interdependence), I – integracja (integration), S – sukces (success), […]

  • Polish

Original title: Przepis na dobrą komunikację przy stoleTranslated title: Recipe for Good Communication at the Table – Christmas recipe e-book


Get to know our unique publication “The Recipe for Good Communication at the Table”. You will find there some tips on how to master the art of successful conversation at the table and Christmas recipes from around the world, prepared by our volunteers! And all this with wonderful illustrations by Maryna Siliakova, thanks to which […]

  • Polish

Original title: Edukacja w polskiej szkole – wszystko, co należy wiedzieć o edukacji szkolnej w Polsce Translated title: Education in Polish schools – everything you need to know about school education in Poland (Polish version)


Material developed by the Foundation’s Intercultural Assistantship team Polish Migration Forum.

  • Ukrainian

Original title: Освіта в польській школі – все, що потрібно знати про шкільну освіту в Польщі Translated title: Education in a Polish school – everything you need to know about school education in Poland (Ukrainian version)


Material developed by the Foundation’s Intercultural Assistantship team Polish Migration Forum.

  • Russian



Material developed by the Foundation’s Intercultural Assistantship team Polish Migration Forum.

  • Vietnamese

Original title: Giáo dục phổ thông tại Ba Lan – Mọi điều bạn cần biết về giáo dục phổ thông tại Ba LanTranslated title: Giáo dục phổ thông tại Ba Lan Mọi điều bạn cần biết về giáo dục phổ thông tại Ba Lan


Material developed by the Foundation’s Intercultural Assistantship team Polish Migration Forum.

  • Ukrainian

Original title: Jestem mamą w Polsce/Я-мама в Польщe/I am a mom in Poland/Я-мама в Польщі Translated title: I am a mother in Poland – Information booklet for migrant expectant mothers in Poland – in Ukrainian, Russian and English


I am a mother in Poland 2023 – Information booklet for migrant expectant mothers in Poland