Budget: 229 800 EUR / 1 000 000 PLN


  • To develop a common understanding of the needs for modern digital inclusion of TCN women in Europe,
  • To design and pilot an online platform to build digital competencies.
  • To build the capacity of professionals in digital inclusion of TCN women.

Target groups:
1. TCN women in need of support for digital competence development.
2. Trainers gaining knowledge on how to train TCN women.
3. Institutions wishing to benefit from the good practices developed during the project.

The project will develop an online platform to build digital competences among TCN women in Europe. The project partners will also develop a common understanding of the needs for modern digital inclusion of TCN women.

Link to the platform: https://moodle.digitsproject.eu/
Link to project website: https://digitsproject.eu/

The project has contributed to increasing the digital competences of TCN women in Europe, which can help them to find jobs and to integrate into society.

Result 1: Development of a common understanding of the contemporary digital inclusion needs of TCN women in Europe (Symplexis).

Result 2: Design, development and piloting of an online platform for capacity building (Diesis Coop)

Outcome 3: Capacity building of stakeholder representatives and professionals on the digital inclusion of TCN women (PFM)


Polskie Forum Migracyjne (Polska)
Symplexis (Grecja)
HIP – Hub for Innovation Policy (Rumunia)
Diesis (Belgia)
Austrian Association of Inclusive Society (Austria)
BK Consult (Niemcy)
Greek Forum of Migrants (Grecja)

The project is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme.
Project number:: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000033746

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