Terms and Conditions for Donations to the Polish Migration Forum

I. Preliminary Provisions
A. This regulation, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation,” defines the rules for the provision of services by the Polish Migration Forum Foundation, headquartered in Izabelin, at ul. Orła Białego 44, 05-080 Izabelin, a public benefit organization registered in the register of associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations, and public healthcare institutions, as well as in the National Court Register, kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Economic Department of the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000272075, NIP: 118-18-79-509, REGON: 140851979 (hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation”), through electronic means, consisting of enabling individuals using the website [https://forummigracyjne.org/donate] to donate money for the statutory activities of the Foundation.

B. Whenever the term “Donor” is used in this Regulation, it shall be understood to mean any person using the website [https://forummigracyjne.org/] to donate.

C. By using the donation page, the Donor declares and confirms that they have read the content of the Regulation and accept its provisions.

D. The current version of the Regulation is always available to Donors on the website [https://forummigracyjne.org/donate].

II. Rules for Donations
A. Purpose of donations: Donations made by Donors are used exclusively for activities consistent with the statutory objectives of the Foundation.
B. Form of making donations: By transferring financial resources, the Donor makes a donation within the meaning of Art. 888 § 1 of the Civil Code. Making a transfer of financial resources results in fulfilling the conditions of Art. 890 § 1, second sentence of the Civil Code, which means that regardless of not observing the form of a notarial act, the donation is valid and effective regardless of the form in which the declarations of the Parties were made.
C. Payment operator: Donations are made through a payment operator – PayU S.A. with its registered office in Poznań, at ul. Grunwaldzka 186, 60-166 Poznań, NIP 7792308495, REGON 300523444, KRS 0000274399 (hereinafter referred to as the “Payment Operator” or “PayU”), on the terms established by the Parties.
D. Method of making donations: A donation can be made after filling out the form available on the website [https://forummigracyjne.org/donate] and clicking on one of the options “Pay with PayU.” After clicking on the link, follow the instructions provided on the payment operator’s website.
E. Payment methods: Donations can be made using electronic transfer, payment card (credit or debit), and BLIK mobile payment system.
F. Transaction security: Donor payments are protected using a secure SSL certificate. This ensures that all transmitted information is encrypted.
G. Payment execution: Details regarding the execution of online payments are determined by the payment operator’s regulations available on the PayU website [https://poland.payu.com/dokumenty-prawne-do-pobrania/].
H. Confirmation of donation: If the Donor wishes to receive confirmation of the donation payment, they should inform the Foundation at [info@forummigracyjne.org] of the Polish Migration Forum before making the donation. In this case, the Foundation immediately confirms to the Donor the fact of making the donation by sending a message containing the Foundation’s declaration of the Donor’s donation to the Donor’s email address provided in the form mentioned in point D above.
I. Types of donations: Through the website, one-time or regular donations can be made, allowing for the regular, monthly transfer of the declared monetary amount from the designated payment card to the Foundation.
J. Donation amount selection: When making a donation, the Donor can choose one of the suggested amounts on the website [https://forummigracyjne.org/donate] or enter any amount of their choice in the “Other” field.
K. Fees and commissions: PayU does not charge the Donor for the service. The entire donation amount goes to the Foundation’s account. PayU charges the Foundation a commission and additional fees.
L. Transfer of data to PayU: Donor data, payment title, and payment amount are provided to PayU by the Foundation. The order is submitted for registration upon receipt of the payment by PayU.

III. Tax Exemptions
A. Public benefit organization status: The Foundation is a public benefit organization.
B. Possibility of deducting donations from income: In accordance with the provisions of the law Art. 26 sec. 1 point 9 of the Personal Income Tax Act, there is a possibility of deducting from income in the tax year the value of donations made to the Foundation.
C. Deduction limit for individuals: An individual may deduct from income the amount of the donation up to 6% of the pre-tax income.
D. Deduction limit for legal entities: A legal entity may deduct from income the amount of the donation up to 10% of the pre-tax income, in accordance with Art. 18 sec. 1 points 1 and 7 of the Corporate Income Tax Act.
E. Keeping proof of transfer: Confirmation of transfer must be kept for 5 years from the date of donation to take advantage of the tax deduction.

IV. Regular Donations in the Form of Cyclical Payments
A. Choosing the form of cyclical payment: By choosing to donate in the form of a cyclical payment, the Donor agrees to have the agreed or self-selected donation amount deducted monthly from the payment card by the Payment Operator.
B. Frequency of donation collection: Cyclical donations will be collected by the Payment Operator once a month.
C. Saving card data and setting up a standing payment order: As part of the cyclical payment service, the Donor has the option to save card data and set up a standing payment order. Card data is stored by the Payment Operator.
D. Token for cyclical payments: PayU, as an intermediary in the payment process, provides a Token for cyclical payments (a virtual card identifier), enabling the assignment of a unique identifier to individual Donors.
E. Storage of payment card data: The Foundation does not collect or process payment card (credit or debit) data of Donors in its IT system. Donors provide this data exclusively to the Payment Operator.
F. Insufficient funds in the Donor’s account: If there are insufficient funds in the account or if the authorization limit is too low, the declared amount will not be deducted.
G. Expiry of card validity: On the day the Donor’s card expires, charging the card will cease, and donations will not be collected. The Donor can make subsequent donations after renewing the card and setting up regular payments again using a new card on the website [https://forummigracyjne.org/donate].

V. Complaints, Withdrawal from Cyclical Payments, Donation Refunds, Refusal to Execute a Donation, PayU Service Complaints:
A. Reporting donation issues: In case of problems with making a one-time or cyclical donation, they should be reported to the Foundation at: [info@forummigracyjne.org].

B. Complaints regarding Payment Operator services: The Donor may file a complaint if the services provided in the payment operator’s regulations have not been executed or are being executed contrary to its provisions. Complaints can be submitted:

  • In writing to PayU S.A., ul. Grunwaldzka 186, 60-166 Poznań,
  • Electronically through the form [https://www.payu.pl/pomoc],
  • By phone at +48 61 628 45 05.

C. Withdrawal from cyclical payments: The Donor can cancel a cyclical payment at any time by contacting the Foundation at: [info@forummigracyjne.org]. Please include the words “Cancellation of donation” in the message subject and provide information such as: name, email address used in the declaration to join the cyclical payments. The payment will be canceled from the month following the month in which the Donor reported the cancellation.

D. Donation refund: Donations made using PayU payments are not subject to refunds, except in cases provided for by applicable law.

E. Refusal to execute a donation: The Foundation is entitled to refuse to execute a donation, about which it must immediately notify the Donor and refund the funds paid if the data provided in the form are incorrect and/or if there has been a breach of the Regulation’s provisions during the payment process. The Foundation notifies the Donor of the refusal to execute the donation through a message sent to the Donor’s email address provided in the form mentioned in point II.D of the Regulation.

VI. Data Processing A. Personal data administrator: The administrator of personal data is the Polish Migration Forum Foundation, headquartered in Izabelin, hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator.”

B. Consent to the processing of personal data: By making a donation, the Donor accepts the Regulation and consents to the processing of their personal data by the Administrator, as well as expresses consent to the processing of their personal data by the Administrator in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy available on the website [https://forummigracyjne.org/news/rodo_pl].

C. Legal basis for processing personal data: The legal basis for processing the Donor’s data is consent, which is given as a result of making the Donation and for the acceptance of which the processing of the Donor’s data is necessary.

D. Purposes of processing personal data: The Donor’s personal data is processed solely for the purpose of accepting and settling the Donation.

E. Providing personal data: Providing personal data is not mandatory, but failure to do so will make it impossible to make the Donation.

F. Collection of personal data: The Administrator may collect the following data: name, surname, email address, date of payment, and donation amount – if the Donor has provided this information.

G. Period of processing personal data: The Donor’s personal data will be processed until the expiration of the limitation period for claims and obligations arising from the agreement concluded with the Administrator.

H. Transfer of personal data: The Administrator does not intend to transfer the Donor’s data to third countries or international organizations.

I. Donor’s rights: The Donor has the right to access their data, correct it, request its deletion, as well as the right to restrict processing and object to the processing of personal data. To exercise these rights, please contact: [info@forummigracyjne.org]. The Donor also has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (President of the Office for Personal Data Protection) if their data is processed in violation of legal requirements.

J. Right to withdraw consent: To the extent that data is processed on the basis of separate consent, the Donor has the right to withdraw consent at any time. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before its withdrawal.

K. Decision-making concerning personal data: Based on the Donor’s personal data, the Administrator will not make automated decisions or decisions resulting from profiling.

VII. Final Provisions A. Amendment of the Regulation: The Foundation has the right to amend the Regulation at any time, especially to adapt its provisions to the universally applicable legal regulations.

B. Application of universally applicable legal regulations: Matters not regulated by the Regulation shall be governed by the relevant provisions of universally applicable legal regulations.

C. Effectiveness of the Regulation: The Regulation shall enter into force upon its publication on the website [https://forummigracyjne.org/wplac/].