Meeting Group for Mums

If you have recently had a baby and want to connect with other mums – please join our meeting group!

During the weekly meetings we will create a shared space, full of acceptance, support and inspiration, so needed by women in their new role as mums. 

We will propose the following meeting topics: 

  • How it was with me: My pregnancy and birth story
  • The fourth trimester – carrying your baby, breastfeeding, sleeping together, closeness Emotions and wellbeing in the first weeks of motherhood. Postnatal depression prevention
  • Small baby – big change
  • New life roles – mother, partner, woman. How do I feel about them, what do I need? Closeness and intimacy after childbirth
  • Ideal mother – good enough mother – role models from around the world
  • Mother – child – father. Bonding, expectations, desires, communication
  • Child in a multilingual and multicultural family
  • Shantala massage – as a way to reach closeness and emotional regulation
  • And many others topics that may be important to you


The meetings are led by Marta Piegat-Kaczmarczyk – intercultural psychologist, Solution-Focused Therapy practitioner, ambassador of the Kids Skills method, graduate of the Perinatal Depression Support Academy for Women, who has been working with refugee and multicultural families since 2000. Since 2014, she has been supporting women in preparation for parenthood and the perinatal period. Marta runs support groups and workshops for parents. Supports children and young people who have experienced trauma, violence or discrimination. Provides training for professionals. Privately, mum of a teenager and a school pupil, so she never gets bored. 


Activities for pregnant women, young mothers and children with refugee and migration experiences are implemented by the Polish Migration Forum Foundation with the support of CARE International.


Thursdays from 10:00 to 12:00

Place: Chmielna 85/87 Warsaw

Contact and registration:,

tel. 692-913-993