Online meeting with intercultural assistants – find out what the assistant’s job is and how it supports the learning process.

Are foreign children studying at your school? They don’t speak Polish yet? Language barrier hinders communication with parents? Maybe somebody could help to help the child during the lesson – the remote one and the one at school?

An intercultural assistant is a school employee who can provide significant support to both the child and his parents, as well as the teacher. We invite you to a meeting with intercultural assistants employed in the Polish Migration Forum Foundation and working in Warsaw schools: Jasmine Samsel (working in Arabic) and Oleksandr Pustovyi (working in Ukrainian).

We will talk about the role and tasks of the assistant, about his cooperation with the child, parents and teachers. The assistants will talk about their work – about its charms and challenges, answer the questions of the meeting participants. There will also be time to talk about what helps in good cooperation between the assistant-child-parent-school.

The meeting will be moderated by Zuzanna Rejmer – intercultural psychologist and supervisor of the team of intercultural assistants, board member of the Polish Migration Forum Foundation.


Please register via the form on this website. On the eve of the meeting you will receive a link to the Zoom application where we will organize the meeting.


05. 06.2020, at 16:00 – 18:00

Exactly the same meeting will be held also on 09. 06. 2020, at 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

The online meeting is co-financed by the capital of Warsaw as part of the project “Languages ​​- the key to getting to know the world! Strengthening language, social and cognitive competences of Warsaw school students.”