# professional activation

You will find 7 results in 3 categories below.


Step into the future. Vocational activation of people with refugee and migration experience

1.10.2023 – 31.03.2024

Promoting entrepreneurship and professional activation of refugee and migrant women who may face discrimination. Objectives Finding a job in a new country is a real challenge. In this workshop we talk about the labor market in Poland and help you to: determining how to use the skills, experience and knowledge you have, setting goals and […]


Intercultural Academy of Women’s Initiatives


Intercultural Academy of Women’s Initiatives is a project aimed at migrant women.

Project for women from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Chechnya, who want to run their own business in Poland.

Zdjęcie. Dłonie różnych osób spoczywają na poziomej gałęzi drzewa. Symbol współpracy i solidarności.
  • English, Polish, Ukrainian
  • advocacy and information, education and professional development, for adults, for everyone, integration and neighborhood

EN test

Jak zrozumieć cudzoziemców i jak się dogadać? Wzmacnianie umiejętności komunikacji międzykulturowej Zapraszamy osoby zainteresowane budowaniem kultury tolerancji oraz wzmacnianiem komunikacji międzykulturowej w miejscu pracy. Szkolenie ma na celu wyposażenie uczestników i uczestniczki w niezbędne narzędzia i umiejętności do efektywnego budowania współpracy z migrantami i migrantkami. Poprzez zrozumienie specyfiki migracji, jej kultury oraz wyzwań, uczestnicy i […]

  • English, Polish
  • education and professional development, for migrants

How to find a job in poland – individual consultations


Are you new to the polish job market? Do you need support with managing your career, redefining yourself on the job market, or searching for a job? Join our free consultations with a career coach. COME IN IF YOU NEED: information about the Polish job market to learn where and how to search for a […]


DIGITS. Building digital soft skills of migrant women

1.01.2023 – 30.09.2024

The aim of the project is to develop a common understanding of the needs of modern digital integration of migrant women in Europe. As part of the project, we will create and pilot an online platform enabling the building of digital competences among women with migration experience.