As a recurring donor, you contribute not only to the current activities of the Polish Migration Forum Foundation but also to its stable and sustainable development.

Regular donations enable us to plan and implement long-term projects aimed at building an open, multicultural society based on equality and community.

Join the PFM Donor Club:

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  • About the PFM Donor Club

    Klub Darczyńców PFM to sposób na systematyczne wsparcie naszej fundacji przez regularne, comiesięczne wpłaty.

    The PFM Donor Club is a way to systematically support our foundation through regular monthly contributions. The goal of the Club is to build a financial base that allows us to continuously conduct and develop our initiatives, regardless of grant projects.

    Continuous support also gives us the ability to respond to the urgent current needs of the people we support.


  • How important is your support?

    Maintaining the continuity of contributions is extremely important to us and helps us plan our activities better.

    • The regular support of PFM Donor Club members ensures the financial and operational stability of the Foundation, which is the foundation for lasting change. Thanks to your monthly contributions, we can expand the scope of assistance and increase the effectiveness of our activities. Every donation, regardless of its size, has a real impact on the lives of the people we support.

  • Benefits for Club members

    By joining the PFM Donor Club, you not only support an important cause but also gain access to unique benefits:

    • Invitations to special online events, such as webinars, panel discussions, and meetings with migration experts from PFM, allowing you to deepen your knowledge and exchange experiences directly.
    • Recommendations of publications and educational materials on migration, keeping you up-to-date with the latest research and analyses.
    • A newsletter for recurring donors, providing access to a special bulletin with news, interesting facts, and information about upcoming events and initiatives.
    • A dedicated contact person – available to answer your questions, issue donation confirmations, and assist with any issues related to your support.
  • How to join the PFM Donor Club?

    Do you feel that the PFM Donor Club is the place for you? That’s great, because we do too!

    • To become a member of the PFM Donor Club, simply fill out a short donation form, choose your preferred monthly donation amount, and payment method. At any time, you can manage your subscription – you can change the donation amount, update payment details, or cancel your support. Detailed instructions can be found below in the FAQ section – frequently asked questions.

Fill out the form and start supporting now!
Your donation will be automatically transferred every month. Under the “CUSTOM AMOUNT” field, select the “Donate monthly” option.

    Select amount

    Contact us

    Do you have any questions or concerns?

    Contact us at We are here to answer your questions and assist you with the process of joining the PFM Donor Club.

    FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

    How will my donation be used?

    Monthly recurring donations are a key source of support for the Polish Migration Forum Foundation, ensuring financial stability and enabling long-term planning of activities. These regular contributions are used to achieve the Foundation’s statutory goals, which include a wide range of initiatives:

    • Education: Hiring and training intercultural assistants and conducting training for people working with children with migration backgrounds. The organization also focuses on psychoeducation and multicultural education for children.
    • Psychological support: Providing psychological assistance to children and adults with migration experiences.
    • Informational support: Providing legal and advisory support and running a helpline for migrants.
    • Support for women: Special support for women, especially during the perinatal period.
    • Direct support: Assisting migrants in the most difficult situations through casework.
    • Integration activities: Conducting local initiatives aimed at social integration.
    • Advocacy: Working for the rights of migrants and improving their situation.

    Regular donations allow uninterrupted activity in all these areas, contributing to the creation of a more inclusive and supportive society.

    Can I change the amount of my monthly donation?

    Yes, you can change the amount of your monthly donation, but this requires canceling the current subscription and re-registering through the donation form available on our website.

    Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

    Yes, you have the right to opt-out of recurring payments at any time. To do this, simply contact the Foundation at and notify us of your decision or cancel it through the form (LINK). The subscription will be canceled from the month following the month in which you reported the resignation.

    What tax deductions apply to donations made to the Polish Migration Forum Foundation?

    The Polish Migration Forum Foundation has the status of a public benefit organization. According to the law, it is possible to deduct the value of donations made to the Foundation from your income, in accordance with Article 26, paragraph 1, point 9 of the Personal Income Tax Act. An individual can deduct the amount of the donation up to 6% of pre-tax income. A legal entity can deduct the amount of the donation up to 10% of pre-tax income, in accordance with Article 18, paragraph 1, points 1 and 7 of the Corporate Income Tax Act. To take advantage of the tax deduction, you must keep the transfer confirmation for 5 years from the date of the donation.

    Is my personal data safe with the Polish Migration Forum?

    Yes, the Foundation ensures the protection of your personal data. All information provided is protected using a secure SSL certificate, which ensures data encryption. The Foundation does not collect or process donors’ payment card data; this information is only provided to the payment operator, PayU, for payment processing. Additionally, the Foundation complies with data protection laws and ensures the ability to access and correct your data. More information about our privacy policy can be found on our website (link to the privacy policy). You have the right to access your data, correct it, request deletion, and object to the processing of personal data.

    Where can I find detailed information about the regulations regarding donations to the Polish Migration Forum Foundation?

    For full access to the regulations regarding donations to the Polish Migration Forum Foundation, we invite you to visit, where you will find all necessary information and rules of conduct in accordance with applicable regulations.