Your company has the opportunity to contribute to the building of a multicultural Polish society. With us, you can increase the positive impact of your activities and strengthen your company’s image as a socially responsible leader.

Check which form of engagement is best for your business. Each form of collaboration brings us closer to achieving our common goals – building an open and multicultural society.

How you can get involved:

Click on a category to learn more

  • Make a donation as a company

    Many companies from various industries and sizes support the activities of the Polish Migration Forum Foundation by making monetary donations. By choosing this form of support, you can opt for a one-time payment or support us regularly. Donations can be directed towards the statutory activities of the foundation or specific projects that resonate with the interests and social engagement area of your company.

    Transfer details:
    Polish Migration Forum Foundation
    79 1050 1025 1000 0023 1482 7813

    • Polish Migration Forum Foundation
      79 1050 1025 1000 0023 1482 7813
      IBAN Code: PL79 1050 1025 1000 0023 1482 7813

    EURO Account:

    • PL 52 1050 1012 1000 0090 8149 9247NR BIC (SWIFT): INGBPLPW

    USD Account:

    • PL 35 1050 1012 1000 0090 8180 4230NR BIC (SWIFT): INGBPLPW

    To discuss a donation agreement, write to

  • Donations, sponsorship, pro bono services, gifts for beneficiaries

    We value our cooperation with the private sector. It allows us to respond flexibly and promptly to the needs of those who turn to us for help. Here’s how various forms of support can inspire your company to social engagement:

    • Financial donationswhether it is a one-time donation or annual support, every amount helps. You can choose whether you want to support the general mission of our foundation or a specific project or goal
    • Pro bono services – the specialized knowledge and skills of your team are often a huge support for us. We seek expert support in areas such as legal consultations, IT services, social campaign support, strategic consulting, and many others (we are happy to design them together!)
    • Material donations – we accept material donations for distribution among our beneficiaries (however, we do not maintain warehouses, so distribution actions must be well thought out). We gratefully accept office equipment necessary for the daily operations of our organization. Such support helps optimize our costs and focus resources on direct assistance.
    • Sponsoring services – the possibility of sponsoring specific services, such as transportation for beneficiaries, access to online tools, or logistical support.

    Every form of help is invaluable and allows us to more effectively achieve our mission – building an equal and open multicultural society.

  • Corporate foundations

    Our mission is greatly supported by the engagement and support of corporate foundations.

    Here are a few inspiring examples of our partnerships:

    • Housing for the needy with the Biedronka Foundation
      Thanks to our collaboration with the Biedronka Foundation since the outbreak of the full-scale war in Ukraine, we have been able to provide temporary accommodation for over 1250 people, offering them shelter in hostels or employee apartments. Among the beneficiaries of this aid were many people in a homelessnesscrisis, including as many as 28% children.
    • Psychological support from the BNP Paribas Foundation
      The BNP Paribas Foundation played a key role in implementing our psychological support program. Their support enabled us to direct adults and children in urgent need to specialized psychiatric care, and also enriched our caseworker program, allowing more effective assistance.
    • Integration and support from the Carrefour Foundation
      Our cooperation with the Carrefour Foundation resulted in the creation of the integration program Plates&Mates, aimed at building ties between local communities through joint cooking. The Carrefour Foundation also joined our psychological support program, focusing on assisting children and youth.
    • “Come for a word” with the Orange Foundation
      Our educational and integration activities found solid support in the Orange Foundation and the employees of Orange Polska, who actively engaged in the volunteer program “Come for a word”, helping refugees and migrants learn the language and adapt socially.


  • Employee volunteering

    Employee volunteering is a unique opportunity for companies and their employees to directly engage in activities for migrants, refugees, and multicultural society.

    We encourage organizing events where teams can work together on volunteer projects. Such initiatives not only support important goals but also build a culture of social responsibility among employees.

    In 2023, we had the pleasure of collaborating with inspiring teams that showed extraordinary commitment:

    • Language volunteering with the Orange Foundation: As many as 24 volunteers from the Orange Foundation took on the task of teaching the Polish language, supporting people from 9 different countries. Their engagement allowed many individuals to better adapt to the new environment, opening up new educational and career opportunities for them.
    • Christmas gifts from EcoVadis: A team of volunteers from the company EcoVadis prepared special Christmas gifts for migrant individuals. This heartfelt initiative brought a lot of joy and a sense of closeness, showing that small gestures can make a big difference.

    These examples show how diverse and creative employee volunteering activities can be – it is not only an opportunity to help others but also a chance for personal development for the individuals forming your company.

  • Socially engaged marketing

    You can jointly introduce a product dedicated to PFM with us or mark a product from your offer with the PFM logo, and a portion of the sales proceeds will be donated to support our activities. In the case of a service business, you can introduce a system of rewarding purchases with points, which your customers can donate to selected activities of our Foundation.

Why it’s worth being our partner?

We encourage companies that share our values and goals to collaborate with the Polish Migration Forum Foundation. Partnering with us is not only an opportunity to strengthen your company’s image as a socially responsible enterprise but also a chance to engage in important social goals. We offer:

  • Strengthening your company’s image as a partner engaged in key social issues, both within the organization and in relations with clients.
  • The opportunity to support professional activities for the integration of migrants into society.
  • Engaging employees in meaningful activities, building a sense of mission and community of goals in the team.
  • Cooperation with a credible and recognized social partner, operating in accordance with international aid and ethics standards.
  • Access to expert knowledge on migration issues, social integration, and social development.

Becoming our partner gives you the chance to join a group of enterprises that not only achieve business success but also actively contribute to building an open, multicultural society. We invite you to collaborate!

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to know more about cooperation opportunities, contact us at Our team will be happy to answer all your questions and help find the best form of engagement for your company.

How can my company start collaborating with the Polish Migration Forum Foundation?

To begin collaboration with our Foundation, please contact us at the email address: We will provide you with all the necessary information and discuss the possibilities for joint actions.

Can a monetary donation to the Polish Migration Forum Foundation be deducted from the tax base?

Yes, monetary donations made to the Polish Migration Forum Foundation can be deducted from the tax base. The Foundation has the status of a public benefit organization, which qualifies it as an entity eligible to receive donations with the possibility of a tax deduction for the donor. The maximum amount that can be deducted is 10% of the company’s income. To take advantage of the deduction, we recommend consulting a tax advisor to ensure all required procedures are correctly executed.

What projects and goals can we support by deciding to collaborate?

By deciding to collaborate with the Polish Migration Forum, your company has the opportunity to support a wide range of projects aimed at assisting and integrating people with migration experience.

  1. Education: Your company can contribute to the development of programs for training intercultural assistants, organizing training for individuals working with migrant children, and implementing psychoeducational and multicultural projects for children. Your support can also enable the development of new educational materials and finance the ongoing work of intercultural assistants in schools in Warsaw and the Mazovia region.
  2. Psychological Support: Your contribution to the development of the psychological support program means improved access to assistance for children and adults experiencing PTSD, disorders related to forced migration, discrimination, mourning, and chronic stress. Our psychologists assist in adapting to new realities and overcoming emotional difficulties.
  3. Informational Support: By supporting our activities, your company will improve the availability of legal aid for refugees and migrants or expand the reach of our informational campaigns, preventing, among other things, abuses against migrants in the labor market.
  4. Support for Women: Your support will help us organize further multicultural birthing schools, through which we prepare refugee women, migrant women, and their partners for parenthood. This way, we counteract postpartum depression, to which migrant and refugee women are much more frequently exposed. These actions also contribute to increasing the level of protection for children from harm.
  5. Caseworking: Direct support for migrants and refugees in the most difficult situations is the foundation of our activity. Your company can have a direct impact on the lives of those in need by financing individual assistance and support (caseworking).
  6. Integration Activities: Investing in local integration initiatives will allow building bridges between the host community and foreigners, supporting projects that promote mutual understanding, acceptance, and cooperation.
  7. Advocacy: Your support can also contribute to our advocacy efforts, which are focused on protecting the rights of refugees and migrants, helping to create a more open and fair society

By deciding to collaborate with the Polish Migration Forum, your company will not only have a real impact on the lives of people with migration experience but will also contribute to building a more inclusive society. We encourage you to jointly determine which areas and projects best reflect the values and goals of your company, to ensure that the collaboration brings the greatest benefits to all parties involved.

Are donations from companies publicly disclosed?

According to the policy of the Polish Migration Forum Foundation, information about corporate support is not disclosed publicly. However, the Foundation may publish information about corporate support on its website or in other promotional materials if such action is agreed upon with the company and in accordance with their preferences.

Can I receive documents from PFM that confirm my company has made a donation?

 After making a donation, your company will receive appropriate documents confirming the support provided. In the case of a monetary donation, the confirming document could be, for example, a transfer confirmation. In the case of a cooperation agreement, PFM can issue an invoice. We are also happy to prepare a confirmation and thank-you note (e.g., in the form of a graphic), which your company can use in internal or external communication. If needed, the Foundation can provide additional information.

Can cooperation with the Polish Migration Forum Foundation be part of our CSR strategy?

Supporting the Polish Migration Forum Foundation can significantly contribute to achieving your company’s CSR goals on many levels. Firstly, by engaging in social activities related to migrants and refugees, the company can promote diversity, social integration, and equal opportunities. This supports the social and ethical values of the company, building its positive image as a socially responsible organization.

Engaging employees in volunteer work organized by the Foundation can also be a key tool for building employee engagement and strengthening relationships in the workplace. This not only promotes team spirit but also strengthens employees’ identification with the company’s values.

Additionally, supporting the Foundation’s projects can serve as an element of the marketing strategy, promoting the company’s social responsibility and building customer trust through the demonstration of engagement in social issues.

How can my company track the effects of its support?

Your company can track the effects of its support for the Polish Migration Forum through regular reporting and communication of cooperation outcomes. Here are some ways this can be organized:

  • Periodic Reports: The Polish Migration Forum can provide your company with regular reports (e.g., quarterly or annual), which detail how your support has been utilized, what projects have been implemented, and what results have been achieved. These reports may include numerical data, case studies, beneficiary accounts, photographs, and videos.
  • Meetings and Presentations: Organizing meetings or teleconferences with representatives of the Foundation, during which progress on projects and future plans are discussed. These meetings can also serve as an opportunity for feedback exchange and discussion about further directions of cooperation.
  • Success Stories: Presentation of specific success stories or case studies that show the direct impact of your company’s support on the lives of beneficiaries or the implementation of individual projects. These stories can also be used in external communication of your company, e.g., in CSR reports, on the website, or in social media.
  • External Communication: Cooperation in external communication, e.g., through joint press releases, articles, social media posts, which highlight your company’s engagement in socially important initiatives and show the real impact of your support.

How can my company start cooperating with the Polish Migration Forum Foundation?

To start cooperating with our Foundation, please contact us at the email address: We will provide you with all the necessary information and discuss possible joint actions.

Partner companies

Join our group of partners and help people with migration and refugee experiences together with us, and – build an open multicultural society with us!