School of Diversity – The first online training course in Poland for intercultural assistants

The course covers topics such as:
– Good practices in the work of assistants and in cooperation with schools
– The education system in Poland from the perspective of intercultural assistants
– Diversified roles of assistants and intercultural assistants at school
– Support system for children with special needs
– Supporting the education of foreign language students
– Integration of students with the experience of migration at school
– Participation of assistants and assistants in the organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance
– Hate speech in the school environment
– Counteracting violence against children and the Blue Card procedure
– Psychology of functioning of a child with the experience of migration and refugee
– First Psychological Aid for people with migration experience
– Supervision and taking care of the well-being at work of the assistant and the assistant

After completing the course and passing the tests, each person receives a certificate that confirms the high quality of the acquired knowledge, which is confirmed by the patronage of excellent institutions:
– Coalition for strengthening the role of intercultural and Roma assistants
– Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization of the University of Warsaw IPSiR at the University of Warsaw

Our online course is free because it was created as part of the project “Education and protection of children, youth and adults affected by the consequences of war in Ukraine” implemented in partnership with the International Rescue Committee.