Archived projects(53)

Brwinow: my gate to the world

Project to support a local community of Brwinow, hosting a reception facility. Range of awareness raising, sport and educational activities will focus in the local School – enabling contacts between local and asylum seeking children in a neutral, attractive environment.

Refugee mothers – expecting in Poland

The project is to give information to refugee women expecting a child on Polish standard of medical assistance to pregnant women, delivery and babycare. Until now, there has been no program giving information on this topic to refugees or other persons granted protection in Poland, yet refugee families in Poland are young and many refugee […]

Integration of Refugees in Poland – in numbers

The project Integration of Refugees in Poland – in numbers aimed at gathering statistical data on the process of refugee integration in Poland through analysis of data available within various institutions and organizations involved in providing refugees with integration assistance. The concept of gathering this information was the initiative of the United Nations High Commissioner […]