Archived projects(53)

The whole world in our class, 2011-2016

The project develops tolerance and openness towards migrants and refugees among kindergarden aged children (5-6 yrs).

My career in Poland II

Project „My career in Poland” is realized in cooperation with Institute of Public Affairs. The main objective is to offer essential knowledge and skills for foreigners, who wish to work legally in Poland, by either receiving a possibility of employment or by running independent business

I am a Mom in Poland II

A project for migrants moms, who are expecting in Poland. We also provide support groups and individual psychological consultations for asylum seekers/migrant women and their children.

Project: I’m a mom in Poland. Nutrition education.

During the duration of the Project, PFM will organize 3 meetings with dietitian, concerning proper eating habits for pregnant women’s and children up to 1 year of age. Two of them targets the society of migrants, will be held at PFM’s office (Warsaw, Szpitalna Street), the last meeting will take place at Foreigners Centre (Warsaw, […]

I’m a Nanny in Poland

Project „I’m a Nanny in Poland” is aimed at migrant women in Poland. It would address women, which plan to start working as babysitters. The other objective is to motivate women returning to labor market after giving birth.

Migroteka 2

The project provides migration-related literature to a network of Polish libraries. We also organize multicultural events and workshops at libraries.

Migration Helpline

The Helpline is an online tool to ask questions related to refugees and migrants – and receive online answers on the website of our Polish Migration Forum.

Advanced Training Programme on Transnational Families Support

Exchange of information/learning program on intercultural families in Europe.

I am a Mom in Poland

A project for migrants moms, who are expecting in Poland. Activities also planned for medical personel – on how to work with migrant patients.

Information Centre for Foreigners 2

Continuation of our information project directed to third country nationals.