Archived projects(53)

My finances in Poland

Family on the move

Languages – superpower! Language competence support designed for students of Warsaw primary schools

Project supporting students’ multilingualism.

One for All, All for one

Activities aimed at people in the application procedure for international protection.

Support for migrants with oncology illnesses and disabilities.

Improving the access of migrants with disabilities and oncologically ill migrants to the health care system.

Supporting migrants’ integration in Mazovia

Direct actions for the integration of migrants and migrants living in Poland.

A world in our classroom – 2017/2018

The project develops tolerance and openness towards migrants and refugees among kindergarden aged children (5-6 yrs).

So much world in our town

We wish to show the participants how can they have an impact on the situation of refugees. The activities are to involve children, youth and youth leaders and activists. We have planned a series of outdoor games that engage the participants into activities and provoke critical thinking. We have also invited refugees to take part […]

Self-reliant in Poland

Beneficiaries of project „Self-reliant in Poland” are foreigners from beyond EU and EEA and also women asylum seekers living in refugee camp in Targówek (Warsaw). The main objective is to suport our clients to become self-reliant, mainly in economical area. It is possible by delivery of variety of consultations with self-employment and accountancy experts, legal […]

The whole world in our class 2018/2019

The project builds an attitude of openness and tolerance towards immigrants and refugees in pre-school and early school children.