It is our team that carries out all the necessary activities
The PFM team now numbers over 100 people! In our team, wonderful individuals handle various activities. We have, among others, casework, psychological, coordination, legal, administrative, and communication departments. You can meet some of the team members at the help center at Jagiellońska 54.

PFM Board
The PFM board is composed of three wise, empathetic, and dedicated women!
Agnieszka Kosowicz – President of the Foundation
She has been working for refugees and asylum seekers since 2000. Founder of PFM. She is the initiator of various actions for refugees and migrants in Poland, author and co-author of publications on refugees, migrants, and integration. She conducts classes and workshops on migration and cultural diversity for children, youth, and adults. In PFM, she creates projects, conducts information activities, workshops, and training. By education – a journalist. Privately, she has three passions: travel, reportage, and gardening.
Katarzyna Sawko – Board Member
Lali Tvalchrelidze – Board Member