Training of feminist self-defense and assertiveness WenDo in Ukrainian

Event cancelled. We are very sorry!

Finding yourself dancing – women’s meeting

Finding yourself dancing Do you need to move? Are you looking for fun with sense? Do you want to meet more women likeyou? We invite you to dance together, everyone of us in a different direction! During the meeting you can connect with your body in a respectful and funny environment.Meanwhile, maybe you will find […]

New beginning

workshops for women who would like to restart their professional career in Poland

Speedfriending for everyone

Hi! PFM invites you to (free and inclusive) multilingual speedfriending!  On Friday, May 26, we meet at Pole Mokotowskie – at the Benny Hill roundabout – (each participant will receive a detailed map) to meet new people and spend time together. We will conduct classic speedfriending – everyone will talk to each other for 5 […]

Informational meeting with career counselor Arina Shadiy

How to find your dream job in Poland – legal, well-paid, in line with your qualifications? Where to start your search? Where to look for job offers? How to write a good CV? Why do you need a cover letter? How to prepare for a job interview? How to talk about salary with a potential […]

I am looking for a job in Poland – information meeting

led in English