Finding a job in a new country is a real challenge. At PFM, we provide free consultations in English, French, Ukrainian, Russian and Polish.

Career counseling

If you are taking your first steps on the Polish labor market and need support, take advantage of our free consultations.


  • information about the Polish labor market,
  • learn where and how to look for a job,
  • write or consult your resume,
  • prepare for a job interview,
  • understand the recruitment process in Poland,
  • understand the Polish work culture,
  • talk about changing your career path,
  • learn about opportunities for new skills, studies,
  • motivation for job search,
  • work on your self-confidence,
  • identify barriers to job search,
  • reflect on your strengths and resources,
  • plan the job search process,
  • consult job offers from various employers.

Consultations are held in English, French and Polish. Each consultation lasts 45-50 minutes.

How to sign up:, or by phone +48 692-913-993

Leading by:

Ola Ośko – coach, intercultural trainer, career counselor. (Polish, English, French).

We also provide individual consultations on starting a business (enrollment mandatory).