Budget: 266 000, 08 zł


  • support of migrant women during the period of pregnancy, childbirth and after through consultations, workshops, handbooks,
  • improving the competences of professionals, such as midwives, psychologists, PFM staff
  • strengthening the standards of perinatal care for refugee and migrant women in Poland
  • increasing awareness of perinatal care among migrant and refugee communities


Childbirth education classes, training and courses for professionals, individual consultations.


  • initiate discussions with representatives of universities and medical schools in the fields of obstetrics,
  • handbook for Midwives: Women’s Health in the Perinatal Period for
    Migrants and Refugees,
  • easier access to specialized trainings that combine medical and intercultural topics for people who study or already work in the field,
  • min. 28 parents better equipped with knowledge on childbirth in Poland after Childbirth classes
  • min. 30 women with better perinatal care after consultations with healthcare educators.


United Nations Population Fund