We’re starting an enrollment to the webinar about the so-called Anti-crisis shield, which offers various forms of support for entrepreneurs and introduces solutions for foreigners regarding legalization of stay.
Webinar plan:
1. Solutions for foreigners regarding legalization of stay:
- extension of the deadlines for submitting applications related to residence permits in Poland and the EU,
- extension of the period of voluntary return,
- extension of the deadline to leave the territory of the Republic of Poland,
- extension of the validity of work permit and statements,
- extension of the validity of temporary residence permits.
2. Solutions for entrepreneurs (including foreigners):
- governmental business co-financing during the epidemic,
- low-interest loan for micro-entrepreneurs from the Labor Fund,
- “parking benefit” for entrepreneurs (benefits for those, who can’t perform usual business activity),
- exemption from ZUS contributions for 3 months,
- subsequent payment or installments of ZUS contributions.
3. Information on official and judicial matters:
- suspension of procedural and judicial time limits.
WEBINAR DATE: 29.04.2020, at 17.00-18.30
- One can enroll to the webinar via the form on this website.. On the day of the webinar, we will send a link to the Clickmeeting platform where the webinar will be held.
- The online webinar in English will be held on May 6 at 17.00-18.30. More information is available HERE.
- The webinar will be held also in Russian. We are in the process of setting the date.
- Those who signed up and decide to cancel it, are requested to send information about the resignation to the address: zapisy@forummigracyjne.org
The webinar will take place as part of the project “Support for the integration of foreigners in Mazovia”. co-financed from the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Safe haven.