The school is a place for all children – including those speaking in other languages, coming from foreign cultures, returning from migration, coming to Poland for various reasons and with different baggage of experience. The school is also the best environment for supporting the integration of foreigners into Polish society. But how a teacher and educator can meet these challenges – especially in the current crisis situation of remote education?

During the webinar we will discuss methods of work (also remote) with a group of linguistically and culturally diverse students, emphasizing the practice and the educational opportunities created by linguistic diversity at school. Participants will also learn about the WISE education model – supporting integration and at the same time enabling the implementation of the core school curriculum. They will learn how to use this model in remote education. They will also get access to a number of ready-made educational materials based on the discussed model.

Date of the webinar: 03. 06. 2020 r., 17.30-18.30

Participants of the webinar will receive by e-mail certigicates confirming their attendance.


The webinar is co-financed by the capital of Warsaw as part of the project “Languages ​​- the key to exploring the world! Strengthening language, social and cognitive competences of Warsaw school students.”